Friday, January 24, 2014

Unplug from technology and enjoy Shabbat together!

Unplug from technology and enjoy Shabbat together! 

THE JEWISH SABBATH, Shabbat, is a 25-hour period of rest lasting from just before sunset on Friday evening until nightfall on Saturday. The idea is to take a break from ordinary life and focus on family, community and spiritual growth. In our fast-paced lives, it can be a welcome change to stop rushing from work to preschool to the grocery store and, instead, enjoy a weekly reconnection with the people and ideas that really matter in life. If you’re looking for great ways to enjoy Shabbat together or just trying to find an excuse to make your kids turn off their cellphones for a meal – here is the Sabbath Manifesto (

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Making Shabbat Meaningful

Making Shabbat Meaningful - Families:

Instead of Shabbat being a day of “no,” make it a day of “yes.” Yes, have fun as a family. Yes, provide kids with lots of roles and responsibilities. Yes, enjoy special treats for young and old alike. Try some of these ways to make Shabbat fun for children of all ages, and it just might become your favorite day of the week.

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