Thursday, December 29, 2011
Judaism and modernity
In a recent article, Yoni Goldstein of Toronto wrote that modern Orthodoxy is the only brand of Judaism that encourages people to (a) keep Shabbat according to the letter of the law and (b) check e-mail or turn on the TV once three stars appear. Haredi Orthodoxy is only concerned with “a” – the law – while “Reform and Conservative don’t see a particular need to do ‘a.’”
The writer thus lumps Conservative and Reform together, as do many people who see no difference between movements that are considered “non-Orthodox.” Without intending to deprecate my Reform colleagues, I must insist that there are differences and that the main difference still consists of the attitude toward Jewish law: Reform officially considers it non-binding, while Conservative/ Masorti considers it binding.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The American Shabbat
It’s time to ask: at what cost? When does commercialism without borders or restraints go beyond a momentary boost to quarterly profits and damage the national soul? We may be perilously close to that point if the unspoken agreement to keep Thanksgiving as the American Shabbat is broken.
There was a time when most colonial Americans were forced to honor the Puritan Sabbath — under the so-called “blue laws” of the 1700s, severe punishment could be rendered for even a simple misdeed. Sunday restrictions lasted well into the 20th century, and especially hurt Jewish shopkeepers who observed their own Sabbath on Saturday, and had to forego a weekend’s worth of commerce or risk heavy fines for opening on a Sunday. Bit by bit, states dropped their prohibitions, to increase tax revenues more than anything else, although there still are places where one cannot purchase alcohol on a Sunday (Mississippi), buy a car (Illinois), or hunt (most of West Virginia).
Read more:
Friday, December 2, 2011
Why Not Grasp Great Gift That Comes Each Week With Shabbat?
What is it about human beings that we are unable to see the beauty, the necessity, the awesomeness of this natural cycle? What is it about what happens in our lives for six days that cannot benefit from this lovely rest, to be resumed with a restored spirit?
Think of the number of things we seek out in our lives to manufacture a change, a shift, a getaway from it all: recess, vacation, weekend, holiday, TGIF, dress-down day, summer reading.
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Angels at the Table: a Practical Guide to Celebrating Shabbat
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Friday, November 4, 2011
Unplugging and Sharing
By Emily J. Weitz
Built in to many religions is the opportunity to stop and pause. Whether this means a slow and easy Saturday or six weeks without meat, in some form or another it’s a reminder to take a break from our routines, and to give thanks. In the Jewish tradition, Shabbat is a weekly observation that begins at sundown on Friday and lasts 25 hours. The purpose is to unplug, to kick back, and to remember the bigger picture.
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Friday, October 14, 2011
A Declaration Of Interdependence | The Jewish Week
Tiffany Shlain makes the point in her film, implicitly and at times explicitly, that “survival depends on our connecting to each other deeply,” a reference to mankind as a whole as well as to individuals.
In exploring what we lose and what we gain as technology rewires our brains and speeds up the pace of our existence, she came to appreciate and embrace the concept of Shabbat, especially of “unplugging” for a day each week.
She said she recently gave a talk on the power of technology and surprised her audience by extolling the virtues of turning off from the world.
“People think it’s harder than it really is, but there’s a time to unplug,” she said, adding: “Shabbat is beautiful because we are able to be fully present. We need to do things that bring us back” to our real selves.
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Friday, September 30, 2011
A secular sabbath
"... a few minutes before sunset, tranquility gradually sets in. My unfinished pre-Shabbat chores are now a thing of the past. Hopefully, so are any of my poor grades, money issues and personal frustrations.
The bedlam of the Shabbat preparations pays off almost immediately when I join my rabbi and friends in the Friday evening prayers - largely composed of good company and beautiful millennia-old songs. Socializing and singing with close friends typically pushes away any stressful thoughts somehow lingering past sunset. If not, the delicious dinner that typifies Shabbat will.
This specific format of the Sabbath is uniquely Jewish. Singing and praying in Hebrew and discussing insights to the Torah are neither accessible nor appealing to the vast majority of non-Jews.
But I say "this specific format" because Shabbat - or more precisely, what it provides - need not be restricted to observant Jews. Tranquility, self-reflection and social closeness are accessible to people of all faiths and people of no faith."
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Face to faith: Today's Sabbath of Return urges us all to ask ourselves what unique purpose we each have on earth
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Celebrate Shabbat, Burning Man style
In the middle of the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada, more than 53,000 participants came to experience the 25th year of Burning Man, a counterculture city that comes to life for eight days each year. Based on 10 principles, including radical self-expression, self-reliance, leaving no trace and communal effort, Burning Man is the extreme sport of summer festivals. Facing dry, sizzling summer days, cold nights and 70-mile-an-hour dust storms, participants are pushed to their limits.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tacos, pups and prayer: Local synagogues offer tradition with a twist
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Central Park: Social Networking on Shabbat

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Monday, September 5, 2011
Author sets her ‘Table’ with a Shabbat Sampler
Challah in a Clyde summer
As Israelis who find Jerusalem summers too hot for our taste, my husband and I have a unique solution. Invited to visit Scottish friends 13 years ago, we found that the cool, rainy weather in August was perfect.
Spending Shabbat on the Isle of Arran, we were delighted by the natural beauty of the island as well as the laid-back approach to life - a haven for Israelis who are bombarded with existential challenges and daily tension and anxiety.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Hosting a Sustainable Shabbat Dinner
By Judith Belasco
One day out of seven, we have the opportunity to stop creating and start being. To enjoy the world around us, including friends and family, beautiful places, enjoyable activities. To rest and recharge. If sustainability is about meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations, Shabbat is a great place to start practicing this for ourselves—and for the world. Imagine if one day out of seven, the entire world stopped buying, producing, driving.
For thousands of years, Shabbat has sustained the Jewish people by providing a respite from the work of the week. Creating a sustainable Shabbat dinner, a meal that uses our natural resources wisely, means that Shabbat can continue to sustain us for thousands of years to come.
Author sets her ‘Table’ with a Shabbat sampler
by brendan molaghan, washington jewish week
Friday, August 26, 2011
Welcoming Shabbat the secular way
Some people express their love for Shabbat by lighting candles, other add a synagogue prayer, a meal and songs. Some love it through dancing, and others – like the Beit Tefilah Israeli organization ("Israeli Prayer House") – love it next to the sea.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Shabbat Meals: At the Kibbutz Table – Jew and the Carrot –
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Exclusive: New Android App “Three Stars” Let’s Everyone Know When Shabbat Is Coming | iPad News Tracker
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Rabbi Rafael Halperin, ex-world-champion-wrestler, dies at 87
Former world champion in free wrestling, founder of optical centers succumbs to illness at 87 in Bnei Brak. His last years dedicated to battle for Shabbat
The Halperin family says he managed to fill up the Yad Eliyahu Stadium three times in his life: Once when he fought a Jordanian in free wrestling, then when he pressured the Israeli government to secure the release of (former Prisoner of Zion Natan) Sharansky during US President Ronald Reagan's term, and finally with his battle for Shabbat, when he established an association calling on Jews to observe Shabbat.,7340,L-4111512,00.html
‘Words with Friends’ – the power of an unplugged Shabbat
In this increasingly technological, staggeringly global world, many of us have come to the terrifying realization that our time is no longer our own; this is why, more than ever, we need Shabbat in our lives., August 20, 2011
The shul that fits
"It happens most Friday nights. I close my laptop, pack stray work-related thoughts into my mental filing cabinet and begin to decompress for the weekend, when an insistent pang starts tugging at my brain. Something, I’ve long felt, is missing."
Friday, August 19, 2011
Why even ‘social justice’ workers need to rest
A Conversation on Religion and Politics by Sally Quinn
"Many of us in the world of public service and social justice feel this same sense of urgency. Even though we know that we have more than a week to do our work, we still worry that if we put down our blackberries for twenty-five hours (the length of the Jewish Sabbath), or even one hour, we’ll miss an emergency. We believe that if we could somehow work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, we would be far more productive.
"But the very point of the Sabbath is to teach us that this all-encompassing approach to work helps neither us nor the world."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Woman's Spiritual Edge
Posted 8/13/2011 by David Suissa
"I got a taste of that edge last Friday night at Temple Beth Am, where a packed house welcomed their new cantor, Magda Fishman, a soulful trumpet player who sings Shlomo Carlebach melodies like Billie Holliday sings the blues."
At Camp Be’chol Lashon, It’s Bug Juice and More for Jews of Color -
Leaders of Jewish movements agree to promote Shabbat joys
NEW YORK -- Some spend the day praying in synagogue, sharing a meal with family and friends, resting and then praying some more. For others, Shabbat is a time for a family outing or a walk in the woods.
Jews from all denominations separate the day of rest from the work week, cherishing the gift of time set aside for spiritual and physical restoration. And though the leaders of the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform movements are warring, they all agree on the need to promote Shabbat.
Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald wants to bring the gift of Shabbat to all Jews. And according to surveys, it's a gift most American Jews have never gotten. Buchwald is the founder and director of the National Jewish Outreach Program, which tries to bring basic Jewish literacy to everyone by sponsoring short courses at synagogues.
So he designated Friday, April 4 as "Shabbat Across America." He hopes that at this time, some 40,000 Jews of every religious stripe will welcome Shabbat with worship and dinner at their local synagogues.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Lieberman Wants His Legacy to Be About Beauty of Shabbat
The book also provides a glimpse into how religion shaped this most adamant of congressional centrists, whose stubborn hewing to his beliefs brought him within shouting distance of the vice presidency before propelling him toward the end of his political career (Lieberman announced in January that he will not seek re-election in 2012).
One potent example of Lieberman's championing of freedom through restrictions is how the dictates of the holy day liberate him from his BlackBerry.
"Six days a week, I'm never without this little piece of plastic, chips and wires that miraculously connect me to the rest of the world and that I hope makes me more efficient, but clearly consumes a lot of my time and attention," he writes. "If there were no Sabbath law to keep me from sending and receiving email all day as I normally do, do you think I would be able to resist the temptation on the Sabbath? Not a chance. Laws have this way of setting us free."
Impressive background takes back seat to Shabbat for this author
Written by Brigit Katz | |
Wednesday, 10 August 2011 | |
TORONTO – Dr. Yvette Alt Miller boasts an impressive academic and professional background. She earned graduate and post-graduate degrees from Harvard, Oxford and the London School of Economics. She then went on to teach as an adjunct professor at several universities and work as an international Trade Analyst with the US International Trade Commission. It may come as a surprise, then, that Alt Miller’s first book is far removed from the worlds of academia and politics. Instead, Angels at the Table: A Practical Guide to Celebrating Shabbat is a comprehensive introduction to the practices involved with observing the Sabbath, and the book is deeply rooted in Jewish religious tradition. |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Joe Lieberman releases book about beauty of Shabbat
Upon meeting with Lieberman in his Senate offices last week, before the Aug. 16 release date of his new book, “The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath,” he laughed at the term evangelical. But he also embraced it.
“In a way it is” evangelical, he said. Not that he wanted to convert anyone, Lieberman emphasized. “This gift, I wanted not only to share with Jews who are not experiencing it, who haven't accepted it, but also in some measure to appeal to Christians to come back to their observance of their Sabbath on Sundays,” he said.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
‘Chick Shabbat’
‘Chick Shabbat’ brings congregation together for service